Rabu, 24 September 2014

This is Plus Terpadu Secondary School Of Pekanbaru

Hallo guys... !!!

This time, we just wanna tell you about our school. That is Plus Terpadu Secondary School..

Plus Terpadu Secondary School is a school which use english in almost all activity, including to communicate each other. Because of that, Plus Terpadu also called by English School.
          You can see from our last activities, such as breakfasting together, 17 August Ceremony and many also many event or competition that held to celebrate the Independence day of Indonesia, Plus Terpadu had so active and also creative students.



In daily activities, all students in this school should use english to everyone, so they can improve their english quickly, everytime and everywhere in every area of this school. so if you want to come to our English School, just come to Damai Ujung Street, Panam, Pekanbaru.

1 komentar:

  1. Contentnya sangat bagus dan bermanfaat sekali, terima kasih

    Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia Mandiri (PTIM)
    Menerima mahasiswa baru tahun akademik 2017/2018
    1. Teknik Informatika (S1) Terakreditasi BAN PT
    2. Sistem Informasi (S1) Terakreditasi BAN PT
    3. Manajemen (S1) Terakreditasi BAN PT
    4. Akuntansi (S1) Terakreditasi BAN PT
    Kelas Reguler dan Karyawan
    Jenjang S1 kelas Reguler ditempuh dalam 8 Semester (3,5 Tahun)
    Jenjang S1 kelas Karyawan A dan Kelas Karyawan B ditempuh dalam 8 Semester (2,7 tahun), 1 semester = 4 Bulan (Tri Semester).
    Pendaftaran :
    Kelas Reguler
    Kelas Karyawan

    Info lengkap :
    www.imandiri.id/pmb 🌎www.stmik-im.ac.id 🌎www.stan-im.ac.id Telp : (022) 7272672 | (022) 7208180
    Fax : (022) 7271693
    WhatsApp : 082211888879
    Email : Info@stmik-im.ac.id, Info@stan-im.ac.id
    Jl. Jakarta No. 79 Bandung 40272
    Jawa Barat – Indonesia
